Find out what all the organisations have been up to recently here in the News section.

You can also read and download the latest YOU London Newsletters – see blue bar to the left of the page.

If you have a News story you would like included, please send copy and good quality, preferably high resolution, images to


Haringey YOU Challenge

In warm and bright sunshine, over 50 young people and their leaders from Haringey’s uniformed youth organisations took part in an annual competition at Kemble Hall and gardens, Tottenham on Saturday 22nd June. Army and Air Cadets as well as members of the Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade Association took part in a variety of


YOU London News June 2024

The June 2024 issue of YOU London News features images from the YOU London organisations at Trooping the Colour, the YOU Croydon Challenge, LFB Fire Cadet volunteering celebration, borough Volunteer Centres and The Big Help Out.  Read the June 2024 Newsletter here.

RAF Challenge

YOU Croydon Challenge

Around 100 young people participated in the annual YOU Croydon Challenge on Sunday 2 June 2024, organised by YOU (Youth Organisations in Uniform) Croydon.  The event was superbly hosted by Royal Russell School CCF, who even seemed to organise the sunshine! On arrival, young people from Croydon units of the Army Cadets, Fire Cadets, Girlguiding,

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