Surbiton Air Cadets Scoop Prize Trophy

Cadets from 1034 (Surbiton) Squadron RAF Air Cadets have won the coveted Elworthy Trophy, the country’s only tri-service cadet military skills competition. The Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London, Sir Kenneth Olisa OBE, who attended the competition and spent time with the cadets, presented the trophy to the winning team.
The Elworthy Trophy competition is delivered annually, by GL RFCA and this year was supported by; The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths and the Royal British Legion for their support and sponsorship of the competition, The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (Princess Royal’s Volunteer Corps), City of London and North Sector ACF and the staff of RAF Northolt.
Twelve teams from the four Cadet services within Greater London (Sea Cadets Corps, including Royal Marine contingents, Army Cadet Force, RAF Air Cadets and Combined Cadet Force) battled it out on a sunny autumn day at the annual event on 13 October, held at RAF Northolt. The competition tests the basic skills of the teams of Cadets aged 12-18 years and combines these with general physical and mental agility. It is a challenging competition and is fiercely contested by all who enter. The Cadets were put through their paces during the event and took part in a series of fun and demanding team activities including archery, command tasks, rowing, first aid, a weight pull, communication and observation tests.
The Surbiton Air cadets demonstrated their expertise and teamwork by performing consistently well across the board. Colonel Ian Denison OBE, Colonel Cadets London, who was instrumental in the planning and organisation of the event, enjoyed watching the teams of Cadets as they strove to succeed at each task. ”The contest this year was as competitive as ever with all the teams showing plenty of enthusiasm and team spirit.”
Throughout the competition, the Cadets were looked after by volunteer Officers and Adult Instructors who manage a broad programme of military and adventurous training activities designed to develop character and leadership.