YOU Haringey competition
It might have been swelteringly hot in Tottenham on Saturday 29 June but that didn’t stop the annual Haringey YOU competition. The event, which was hosted by the Sea Cadet unit at TS Wizard on White Hart Lane, saw six uniformed groups undertake a series of challenges to compete for the coveted YOU Haringey shield. Activities included indoor rowing, blind-folded football, deciphering morse code, tent pitching, filming a recruitment video and a tug-of-war.

Flight Sergeant Edoardo Reis of 268 (Tottenham) Squadron RAF Air Cadets, who meet on Monday and Thursday evenings in Tottenham, said: “Events like this are really important to bring young people in Haringey together. It’s also great for the younger generation to see us out and about doing interesting things, so that we can inspire them.”
Whilst the competition took place in the blistering heat of Saturday, the competitors had to wait until Sunday morning to find out the results. The shorts and trainers of Saturday were replaced by smart uniforms and shiny boots for Haringey’s Armed Forces Day parade from TS Wizard to the Civic Centre in Wood Green. After the parade, the Mayor of Haringey, Councillor Sheila Peacock, and the Representative Deputy Lieutenant for Haringey, Captain Peter Baker, announced the victors as 16F (Wood Green and Hornsey) Squadron RAF Air Cadets. The winner’s shield was collected by Cadet Corporal Kirunda who was also awarded ‘best group leader’ during the competition.