
Haringey YOU Challenge

In warm and bright sunshine, over 50 young people and their leaders from Haringey’s uniformed youth organisations took part in an annual competition at Kemble Hall and gardens, Tottenham on Saturday 22nd June.


Army and Air Cadets as well as members of the Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade Association took part in a variety of challenges involving communications, leadership, team working, problem solving and very often just fun.

The tasks included building a trolley to transport water, scoring a goal while blindfolded, building two wooden kit tanks, and getting across a deep ‘ravine’ using planks.


Much laughter, cheering and encouraging could be heard from the teams as they got into the spirit of working together.

Heading the organising team, Captain Peter Baker, Representative Deputy Lieutenant for the London Borough of Haringey said, “It’s been a great opportunity for our young people from various uniformed groups in Haringey to work together and have some fun with the challenges we have set them. I am grateful to all the adult leaders who give their time and talents to support our young people”.

The youth groups also participate in the Armed Forces Day event in the borough on 23 June after which the competition winners receive their trophy.
