
Find out what all the organisations have been up to recently here in the News section.

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YOU London News December 2021

The December 2021 issue of YOU London News is now out. Read about the YOU London Leadership Development Conference at Harrow School, the YOU London float in the Lord Mayor’s Show and how to nominate a young person for a Deputy Lieutenant Certificate. Click here to read YOU London News_Dec_21.


Lord Mayor’s Show 2021

Over 40 young people from 8 different uniformed youth organisations made up the YOU London float at this year’s Lord Mayor’s Show. The Show dates back to the early 13th century, when King John rashly allowed the City of London to appoint its own Mayor. He insisted that each newly-elected Mayor should come to Westminster


YOU London Leadership Conference

The inaugural YOU London Leadership Development Conference took place at Harrow School over the weekend of 2-3 October 2021.  70 intrepid young people, put forward by their respective uniformed organisations, had the opportunity to listen to and engage with very high-level speakers, to get to grips with challenging and unusual practical experiences and to work


Independent report celebrates positive impact of Cadet Forces

In 2016, the Ministry of Defence, Combined Cadet Force and CVQO commissioned the Institute for Social Innovation and Impact at the University of Northampton to undertake a four-year longitudinal research project to help understand the social impact and return on investment from expenditure on cadets and the Cadet Expansion Programme.  The report detailing the findings of


YOU London News May 2021

The May 2021 issue of YOU London News is now out. Read why the Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade have joined YOU London; about Military Preparation Colleges and how reports and data on young people is helping to shape London’s post Covid- recovery. Click here to read it.

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