
Find out what all the organisations have been up to recently here in the News section.

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Off to South Africa

Three lucky Londoners set off to South Africa for two weeks on 9 July after becoming finalists in CVQO’s Westminster Award.  The vigorous selection process saw hundreds of young people whittled down to just 10 national finalists. The Westminster Award, run by CVQO – a UK education charity providing vocational qualifications to youth group members


YOU Haringey competition

It might have been swelteringly hot in Tottenham on Saturday 29 June but that didn’t stop the annual Haringey YOU competition. The event, which was hosted by the Sea Cadet unit at TS Wizard on White Hart Lane, saw six uniformed groups undertake a series of challenges to compete for the coveted YOU Haringey shield. 


YOU Croydon Challenge

The YOU Croydon challenge was held at Royal Russell School on Saturday 2 June. Young people from eight YOU organisations in Croydon competed in a ‘round robin’ programme of stands, with each organisation running a different stand. The Army Cadets ran an observation and memory game followed by a ‘grenade’ throwing task (water balloons –


YOU London News July 2019

The July issue of YOU London News is out featuring YOU competitions in Croydon and Haringey, and the 3 London finalists of the CVQO Westminster Award. Click here to read it…


1st North Cray Scout Group goes from strength to strength

1st North Cray Scout Group is one of the groups within the Bexley district, part of the wider Greater London South East Scout County. Nicola Coppen, the Group Scout Leader at 1st North Cray says: “The group is thriving thanks to the amazing leaders and young people.  When I first arrived at the Group, asked

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