Off to South Africa
Three lucky Londoners set off to South Africa for two weeks on 9 July after becoming finalists in CVQO’s Westminster Award. The vigorous selection process saw hundreds of young people whittled down to just 10 national finalists.
The Westminster Award, run by CVQO – a UK education charity providing vocational qualifications to youth group members and their adult instructors – is an annual competition designed to recognise and reward their most deserving learners. Each year cadet and youth group leaders are asked to nominate an exceptional young person for something they’ve achieved.
This year’s overall winner was Ruta Dubinskaite of Middlesex and North West London Army Cadet Force, who was presented with an engraved lion trophy by The Rt Hon the Lord Lingfield, Chairman of CVQO Trustees at the House of Lords on Thursday 27 June.

The other two London finalists were:
Alfie Green, London Fire Brigade, winner of The Lingfield Medal 2019
Yasmin Grizzle, City of London and North East Sector Army Cadet Force
CVQO Chief Executive Guy Horridge said at the award ceremony, “Today there are winners who have overcome personal challenges, challenges at school and challenges in the cadets, but what they all have in common is not only have they successfully faced these challenges but they have never used them as an excuse or expected special treatment because of it.
“They have studied hard to earn their BTEC and ILM qualifications. They are in my opinion remarkable young people, mature beyond their years and I am delighted to say they have all joined a very special club by becoming CVQO Westminster Award finalists today.”